A taxi passenger tapped the driver on the shoulder to ask him a question. he driver screamed, lost control of the car, nearly hit a bus, went up on the footpath, and stopped centimeters from a shop window.....For a second everything went quiet in th… Read more »
Hikayat Sopir Taksi
S etelah berjalan sekian lama, penumpang menepuk pundak sopir taksi untuk menanyakan sesuatu. Reaksinya sungguh tak terduga. Sopir taksi begitu terkejutnya sampai tak sengaja menginjak gas lebih dalam dan hampir saja menabrak mobil lain..... Akhirny… Read more »
Dasar Perokok
Alkisah hiduplah seorang puteri cantik PALLMALL namanya dari kerajaan DUNHILL namun sayangnya sang puteri sedang sakit BENTOEL-bentoel sehingga dia malu untuk keluar. Maka sang raja COMMODORE memberi woro-woro untuk menyembuhkan puterinya. Setelah w… Read more »
Improvement is started with "I"
Seekor kelinci sedang duduk santai di tepi pantai. Tiba tiba datang seekor rubah jantan besar yang hendak memangsanya. Lalu kelinci itu berkata: "Kalau memang kamu berani, hayo kita berkelahi di dalam lubang kelinci. Yang kalah akan jadi santapan y… Read more »
Shit Smoker.....
I am Peter 'Stuyvesant'.I have two friends, 'Benson and Hedges'.I came from the city of 'Marlboro'.In the 'Salem' high country.....I always carry a 'Mild Seven'.I rode on a 'White Horse'.Going to 'Kingsway' in 'Kent'.It was 'Lucky Strike' I fell in … Read more »
Dumb Cracker !
While visiting England, George Bush is invited to tea with the Queen. He asks her what her leadership philosophy is. She says that it is to surround herself with intelligent people..... He asks how she knows if they're intelligent."I do so by asking… Read more »